Have you thought of what you want this Christmas? An iPhone or a brand new laptop?
All eleven-year-old Earlene wants for Christmas is a pair of track pants for PE class in school.
This Christmas, look beyond your needs to the needs of children from Philea Home and Rumah Charis. The BAC Christian Fellowship with the support of the college invites you to bless them with gifts through the project.
What you can do:
1) Get gifts for the children. The gifts can be left under the Christmas tree at BAC 1 Level 2 or
handed over to Celine Yap or Lim Yi Wen (UOL Intermediate). (Please refer to the wish list
2) Donate monetarily through Yi Wen.
3) Donate items to the orphanage, namely:
- Table-top gas stove
- Blender
- Cake mixer
- Water tumblers
- Food containers
- Raincoats and umbrellas
- Plastic book wrappers
- Cellophane tape
- Alarm clocks
4) Attend the Christmas Party!
Date: 9 December 2011
Time: 6.30 pm – 9.00 pm
Venue: BAC 2 Rooftop
Sixty children will be coming to our college. So, take this opportunity to put a smile on their faces and
joy in their hearts this season by joining in the fun and fellowship!
There'll be lots of games, caroling, performances and food. Admission is free, but don't forget it's a
charity night, so, there'll be a donation collection box.
To attend, please RSVP with Celine (016-7554880) or Yi Wen (016-4419179) to receive a coupon for the
dinner. (In light of the rampant food wastage in Malaysia, we're trying to avoid wastage as much as
possible! )
We look forward to seeing you there! Volunteers will be contacted within this week for job delegations.
Lim Yi Wen (LLB UOL Intermediate)