Friday, 30 September 2011

Fresher's Night - The Dawn of Something BIG

Auspicious. That's the word.

On the 22nd of September, the highly-anticipated Fresher's Night took  place. Organised by the BAC Law Society, the people behind the scenes certainly did a spectacular job in planning and running the event! Although the Society is still in its infancy, the event did not betray this fact at all. Things couldn't have gone any smoother.

The Fresher's Night was held on the rooftop of BAC2.  Although the event was scheduled to begin at 5pm, BAC students certainly adhered to Malaysian time. But as the event started, the crowd gradually swelled to more than 300. The organising committee certainly did not expect this huge turnout, having only expected a crowd of 120! Clearly, everyone knew that the Fresher's Night was the place to be.


The emcees of the night, Roeshan and Khai Yoong kicked off the event with an icebreaker! The Dynamic Duo had the BAC students eating out of their hands - the two showcasing their talent at stirring up the crowd.  The words "silence" and "boring" were clearly not part of their vocabulary on that night. It couldn't have been livelier with the duo on fire! As Barney Stinson would say, it was "legen-wait for it-dary!"

For the first activity, the large crowd was divided into groups according to their birth month. Each group was required to come up with their own signature dance. It was a sight to behold! Who knew that our students could shake their "bon-bons" ala- Ricky Martin. Even Shakira herself would be put to shame by some of the students, although it must be said that there were a few whose dance moves resembled those of Mr. Bean's instead!

The stage was also open to the presidential candidates to share their ideas and aspirations for the Society if they were elected. The candidates who took the stage that night were Sara Seo, Louis Liaw, Shila and Jenna. (Editor's note : Elections for the Society have been postponed until further notice). Nudged by the emcees, they were forced to reveal whether they were on Team Jacob or Team Edward (Don't know who Jacob or Edward is? It's time to come out from your cave, Paleolithic cavemen!).

The night would not be complete if it wasn't for the splendid performances put on by William and Bowen; Ivan; Rajvin; Danica Airish and Sanjay; Ng Cin Yan; the 'Gurls from A-levels'; and  the highlight of the night -  the one and only Mr. Rajan Singham! I am sure the audience adored them as much as I did! It was clear to see that the audience were mesmerised by the mind-blowing stage performances. Even Simon Cowell himself would be pleased! As the ABBA song goes, 'Thank You For the Music.'

The crowd was soaking in the atmosphere; chatting and mingling over Mr. Singh's signature dishes as the performers showcased their talents. Who could resist FREE food? With the bright lights of Kuala Lumpur in sight, there was a moment when I felt over the moon being there. Many thanks to the organising committee and most importantly, to all the students who  showed up and made the event merrier than one could ever imagined.

If first impressions from the Fresher's Night are anything to go by, greater things are yet to come from the BAC Law Society!

Fresher's Night - the dawn of something BIG!